The Giant black snail and the girl
A viscous bluish mantle woke her up by shaking the large rock where she used to rest at sunset. The cloak unfolded slowly but decisively into a creature with a curious face and long little pieces topped by wet, dark eyes. She was not scared, in the forest she felt safe. Nor did she remember at that time the stories that her grandmother always went around telling, about colossal creatures that could sleep for millennia, and that from time to time they sailed through the forest. Nor was she surprised. Only a smile took over her face and mind as the giant snail entered the long night of that infinite forest.

Berta and the owl
I felt a knock on the window and it scared me. My visit had arrived and he always finds it funny to see me jump, ha! Today I told him that my cat "Sweets" wanted to hunt a fio fio bird but I caught him red-handed and we are in a fight right now. I also told him that Michael had finally called me, and that I scolded him because he never calls me. He showed me my granddaughter by videocall, she is so big and I have not been able to see her for so long ... my friend tells me that loneliness is temporary, that things will soon changue... Thanks to life for birds, what would be of me without my lifelong friend...

Lila and the Chilean frog
One day my aunt called me to tell me that a girl had just come to live in her house. My aunt was a guardian of children who had to be separated from their families for various reasons. Lila was her name. She was 4 years old. My aunt told me to talk to her and I didn't know what to say to her, so I started to tell her that I painted frogs. She did not know what they were and I told her that I would send her a drawing so that she could meet them. I hung up. My aunt calles me back. She told me Lila loved the drawing! It was a Chilean Frog. She told me she kept looking at the photo and laughs when she sees it. I was so Happy!. Days later my aunt told me that the Chilean Child Care Center (Sename) told her that they would take her to a institution. My heart clenched. It's been 3 years and always think of Lila. I see her playing with the Chilean frog that I showed her. I imagine her cheerful and full of life with her future overflowing with happines.